關於我們 (CCMEA Vancouver)
當回到平凡,忙碌,疲累現實的生活裡,要實踐這種神聖的諾言,可會容易嗎? 夫婦懇談會每年舉辦一次週末營。參加夫婦放下日常生活雜務,來到一個寧靜而祥和的環境,一起重温婚姻的歷程和前瞻婚姻的路向。夫婦二人懇切地互相交談,彼此開放聆聽、坦誠傾訴,從而加深了解自己與對方,增進夫婦的感情,以達致二人融合的境界。 週末營的高潮是重宣婚姻盟誓儀式。夫婦經三天兩夜互訴衷曲後,會更珍惜與伴侶合力耕耘及悉心培育的婚姻。二人藉婚姻誓言重申願意把自己一生奉獻給對方,終身廝守。 重宣婚約有很深厚的意義。夫婦確實經歷過環境順逆、疾病健康,而仍然堅守新婚時的承諾,並公開宣認繼續愛慕及尊重對方,不離不棄,無怨無悔,終生不渝。至此,夫婦完全共融,形成一體。 滄海可枯,堅石可爛,只有情永在。 |
Even when a marriage is going smoothly, there are always opportunities to make it work better.
The Marriage Encounter experience will give you the tools to remain strong as a couple and be a united force to provide a stable and loving environment for your children. As you become empty-nesters, you can use the same tools to continue growing and thriving in your relationship, living a lifetime love.
A Marriage Encounter is not couples therapy. There is no counseling. The experience consists of presentations followed by private time between husband and wife. Marriage Encounter is not for troubled marriages. It is for couples who want to make their ‘good’ marriage even better. |